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Arts Tech Community Uniform
Royal blue polo shirt with collar
Navy blue pants, skirts or shorts OR blue jeans (no holes)
LBMS sweatshirt or blue grey or white sweatshirt (no writing)
PE: PE shirt with logo, royal blue athletic shorts (with or without logo), white socks, athletic shoes

Police Academy Uniform
navy blue polo shirt with collar and PA logo
navy blue pants or shorts, or cargo pants/shorts
jeans allowed on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
navy blue sweatshirt: with or without logo
mostly black sneakers
PE: navy blue shorts, navy shirt with PA logo
Inspection Days (Tuesdays): must wear PA polo, blue pants/cargo pants, black boots, black belt, white socks

Available for purchasing at LBMS
Uniform Polo Shirt
Hooded LBMS sweatshirt
Crew neck sweatshirt
P.E. T-shirt
P.E. Shorts
School Uniform
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